Friday, January 26, 2007

Bahtera Merdeka

Bonda senyum riang
Menerima bahtera Merdeka
Putra putri sayang
Putra putri sayang
Sedang berjuang

Fajar telah tiba
Nan menyinsing membawa harapan
Tanah Semenanjung
Tanah Semenanjung
Pusaka Bangsa

Jiwa dan raga
Buktikanlah pada nusa bangsa
Supaya negara maju jaya
Aman Merdeka

Duhai ibu pertiwi
Putra putri datang sujud bakti
Ingin menunaikan
Ingin menunaikan
Sumpah dan janji

Janji or a promise is a trust and a sacred contract. If you can't deliver, you shouldn't be promising. That's why in Islam, we are required to deliver our promise.

To breach one's own word is considered going against a trust "amanah" and in Islam such person is considered as a munafiq. Our revered Prophet Muhammad SAW as cited in a hadith by Al-Bukhari & Muslim said .."there are 3 characteristics of a munafiq, when he says something he lies, when he promises he breached and when he is given a trust, he abused and misused it"

["tanda-tanda orang munafik itu ada tiga, jika dia berkata-kata, dia berdusta, apabila berjanji, dia mungkir, apabila diberi amanah, dia khianati"].

Sounds familiar these days?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Salaam Maal Hijrah 1428

To all the muslims, here's wishing everyone a wonderful new year filled with barakah and rahmah. May all that we do be blessed by Allah and all that we wish for this new year be fulfilled. Selamat Tahun Baru.