Thursday, March 24, 2005


Sevilla in one of the most interesting place we visited in Spain. Our guide arrange for a trip to the Gypsy of the most surreal and cleanest cave-like architecture I've seen. The Spanish gypsies are very clean and organized group of people, with beautiful features, jet black hair and mesmerizing eyes. The Spanish gypsy music and flamenco dance are something one must experience when visiting Sevilla.

Our efficient shuttle bus maneveur its way along the winding and narrow road leading to the gypsies' abode on the steep hills..

Some of the Flamenco dancers are just drop dead gorgeous with their beautiful and colorful outfit. Some of the guys in our tour group literally fell off their seats drooling over a few of the more exotic looking dancers! :P

Unfortunately my digital camera ran out of battery and I couldn't took any pics ): Kak Long promised to email me some of those beautiful pics of the flamenco dance, but until now I am still waiting..

Sevilla is also famous for its orange.. bitter orange that are made into our favorite marmalade. It's such a beautiful sight wherever we go.


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