Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Limau Sunkist, Marmalade dan Merah

"Bloody" orange from Palermo, Sicily

I am a fruit person. I must eat fruit everyday. I probably eat more oranges than other fruits and can eat at least 2 oranges a day. Closer to my trip I was eating 4 oranges a day (..trying to make up for the possibility of no fruits and oranges for days onward!). Finally, heeding everyone advice, I forced myself to peek at the local pharmacy for some vitamin supplements ..just in case (I hate supplements! it's more fun to bite real fruits than popping pills!). So I end up with vitamins C and E.

I hate taking those tablets during my travel days. I must have given up a week into the journey, so whenever I have a chance I will buy fruits. In Spain there were many many many heavily-laden orange trees (such a beautiful sights for an orange-crazy person like me) and while our Spanish guides were explaining us the sights (Toledo, Sevilla, Cordoba) I was busy wondering why the heck no one is picking those ripened fruits! :)

When I finally got a chance to ask, we were already in Al-Hambra, Granada (well it's kind of difficult to slip in a question on why no one is picking the oranges - when the guides were explaining to everyone on the history and architecture of the ruins). I was told by our guide Mr. Paco, those are bitter oranges - the kind we made marmalade and that they are more precious than your regular oranges. There goes my eating orange-straight-from-the-tree dream in Spain (he gave me a bitter orange leaf for my scrap book though). I did bought one huge lovely orange in Madrid, but only to accidently leave it behind in the hotel fridge ): Shucks!

Guess how much it cost me for your run-of-the-mill oranges in Rome.. 1 euro for 1 lousy fruit! (However, in Palermo, Sicily-at its busy morning market it cost only euro 30 cents for 2 lovely blood-red orange..a special variety of Sicily - fragrant and juicy too.. (Yes, I took the overnite train all the way to Palermo to visit the morning market to buy just 2 oranges, and as a bonus was given 3 lovely sweet and juicy red lovely tomatoes for FREE :) Well, "free" is a rare term indeed in Europe! But for their generous hearts, albeit "humbler" living conditions, on top of the "godfather" stigma (yes, everybody warned me NOT to go to Sicily - AND I was excited to go there exactly to see that :), I have great respect and good memories of the Sicilians :).

Yesterday, a week upon returning to Malaysia, I forced my lazyself to drive to Bangsar Pasar Malam to get my regular dosage of 20 fresh oranges for the week. Welcome back to consumer-heaven! coz in consumer-frenly Malaysia, it cost me less than 2 euros for 20 fresh oranges!!

I ate 2 oranges for Jinny, the crazy Korean girl I first met in Munchen who told me that when she visited Malaysia, all she did was ate a lot of oranges to make up for the bloody expensive oranges she was deprived off in Korea. Well she even smuggled home some for her mom - as souvenirs :). We shared a nice orange in Paris while having our tuna-salad lunch in front of the Lourve(yes, she stalked me all the way back to Paris! :) - cost us 2 euros for that 1 fruit!

So here's to you Jinny! (I know, I know.. Ireland is so BLOODY expensive :)

I love Malaysia!

(PS: Someone in Bonn is crazy over the color ORANGE, so I'll saved him all the rinds :)


At 4:23 PM, Blogger teliung said...

You are STILL ALIVE I see! :P

tsk..tsk..Jinny, now I know why I started using the word "bloody"..
it was YOUR influence!!!

OK if you said you didn't smuggled the "bloody" oranges to Korea.. I guessed your poor mom didn't get to have any! I have 3 oranges on my work desk, I'll have 2 more for you..since you can't afford any in Ireland :)

At 11:15 AM, Blogger teliung said...


Now if you lie, erm.. the two things you treasure most ehem ..(if you know what I mean ;) will definitely become smaller! :)~

At 11:17 PM, Blogger JDsg said...

I miss gools. They're little, seedless oranges sold up in Korea. I can't tell you how many students gave me some to eat. They're great.

Yeah, don't eat the "ornamental oranges," as we called them in Arizona. I remember one enterprising young boy who had picked a bunch of them and was on his way to the supermarket to try to sell them there. :) (I let him down gently. :) )

At 7:29 PM, Blogger teliung said...

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At 7:29 PM, Blogger teliung said...

Salaam John :)

Sorry my blog is really rudimentary at the moment! :) I am a bit embarassed.. hehehe I wish I have more time to do this.. but am working on it. This weekend is really bad coz everyone is at my mom's house and it's our mother's day-cum-family gathering.

We get those imported miniature "oranges" here too. Yes, they are really good :)

At 12:54 PM, Blogger JDsg said...

Jinny: What city are you from? I lived for a year (Sept. 2001-Oct. 2002) in Busan. (Great city; miss it terribly.)

At 2:54 AM, Blogger CestmoiCK said...

Wey hey, bila lagi nak update some more?? :)


At 12:26 AM, Blogger teliung said...

Salaam John,

Jinny is from Busan :) (I think) and she is FOREVER trying to get away from it! and now she is FORCING ME to visit her in Korea this September (before she leaves again for Australia!)

Right Jinny?..where are you silly girl??? (me think she is missing me in bloody expensive Belfast :)

I am sure she will show up soon.

BTW, she told me when we were in Paris how bloody GOOD English teacher got paid there especially if they are native speakers and I had mentioned about you teaching there!

At 12:31 AM, Blogger teliung said...

Hehehe CK..

Am trying very hard :)

I am no longer a lady of leisure. My time now is office time ): and everyday I have to look at my CEO/COO faces who have high expectations of those deliverables SOON..but I will try to update on weekends :)

At 12:50 AM, Blogger teliung said...

This message is from Jinny to John:

Here's her actual request :)

(dearest Zai!!
for some unacceptable reason I can`t leave any message on your blog.. I tried to join the membership but kepting saying " the name is not acceptable " and don`t say why!! and I don`t know why!!

so... here is my comments to John..can you copy this and put on your hp instead of me. ok?

thank u kekeke)


I `m from Changwon very close from Pusan..u must have heard of it.(hopefully). because I have a friend also named John teaching E in Pusan..I thought you must be him..but as he still lives in Korea for more than 2 years.defenitly different person..^^;;

anyway...nice to meet u..
it took a while to find out what "gools" are...hehe..where do u live ? no "gools" there?? do u want me to send u ONE??!!! sorry no more than 1!!!!lol

Zai!! I am not forever trying to be away from Korea..now I JUST want to go and be stuck in Korea which has loads of "GOOLS"!!!! *^^*


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