Saturday, April 29, 2006

Crooked bridge: Mahathir hits back

Apr 27, 06 9:02pm

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has fired yet another salvo in the on-going war of words over the government's decision to abandon the half-bridge project across the Causeway to Singapore.

This time he launched a broadside against ambassador-at-large Fuzi Abdul Razak - the man picked by the government to be its spokesperson on the bridge issue - dismissing the diplomat's 17-page explanation as "rambling".

"Fuzi's rambling explanation about the bridge over the Tebrau Straits on April 25, 2006, serves only to convince that the government's priority and intention is to sell sand to Singapore," said Mahathir in a 16-point statement sent to Bernama.

According to Mahathir, the government was arguing that the bridge would not be built if it was not allowed to sell sand to Singapore - a demand from the city-state in return for the bridge.

"The reasoning why the bridge cannot be built comes later and it was not convincing at all."

He then went on to attack a particular Malaysian leader without mentioning his name.

"All in all it is clear that the Malaysian government is more interested in selling sand to Singapore than to build the bridge. This keenness to sell sand is strange for Malaysia does not need the proceeds from sale of sand. Despite my alleged profligate ways when I was PM, Malaysia is not so bankrupt that it has to depend on selling sand.

"That any Malaysian leader should not shudder in horror at the idea of scraping one billion square metres from Malaysian seabeds continuously over a period of 20 years, thereby destroying all the fish breeding grounds of Malaysian seas, depriving Malaysian fishermen of their livelihood, destroying Malaysia's marine ecology defies the imagination.

"That there should be any Malaysian leader willing to entertain this idea, to destroy Malaysian seas to satisfy Singapore speaks badly of his love for his country."

'Sheer nonsense'

Mahathir said that talks about the possibility of Singapore refusing to allow the half-bridge to connect with the Singapore half of the causeway is "sheer nonsense".

"The Malaysian bridge will land on the Malaysian portion of the causeway. The only way Singapore can prevent traffic from the bridge from passing through from the Malaysian portion of the Causeway into the Singapore half is to put a barrier across the causeway border.

"This would certainly constitute an unfriendly act. It would be Singapore cutting its nose to spite its face. The damage to Singapore businesses would be at least as bad as that which Malaysia may suffer. But in reality Singapore needs Malaysia more than Malaysian needs Singapore. We have our ports and airports to replace Singapore ports, airports and other services."

Mahathir said that after Singapore was unwilling to make a decision on building its side of the bridge to replace its side of the causeway, he informed Singapore that Malaysia intended to proceed with a half-bridge.

"The Singapore PM, Goh Chok Tong in his letter to me clearly stated that '... if you wish to proceed immediately to replace just your side of the Causeway with a bridge, I shall accept it, though I think this is not ideal.'

"There was no condition attached to this acceptance, no mention of sand or airspace."
Mahathir said that although the exchange was in the form of letters, it was "clear and recorded" that the Singapore PM had grudgingly accepted the half-bridge proposal.

"Thus a unilateral decision became bilateral when Singapore acceded and accepted. Any change must similarly be agreed to by both sides.

"For Singapore to add conditions more than two years later for the supply or 50 million cubic meters of sand for 20 years and to allow the Singapore Air Force to fly in Malaysian air space would constitute unilateral change. Malaysia can reject the new condition and insist on Singapore honouring the agreement between the two prime ministers."

Govt fails to do its best.

He accused the Malaysian government for tacitly agreeding to Singapore's unilateral condition when it decided that it would not build the bridge because it is not in a position to supply sand or open its airspace because of opposition by Malaysians.

"The proper thing to do if the government wants to build the bridge would be to seek arbitration or refer to a court if Malaysia is uncertain as to the right of Singapore to impose new conditions unilaterally.

"Actually there is no need to doubt Malaysian rights in its own territorial waters. But the government of Malaysia did not do its best to reject the condition. It gave in supposedly because the Malaysian legal authorities believe Singapore is in the right.

"It would be interesting to read the grounds for the attorney-general to conclude that Singapore has what amounts to extra-territorial rights and Malaysia has no sovereign right within its own territorial waters."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Bridge - coming to a theatre near you

Open Letter by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Fakta Mengenai Jambatan Bengkok

Saya menulis surat terbuka ini sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan negara untuk sesiapa saja yang ingin membacanya.

Fakta-fakta yang terkandung dalam surat ini perlu saya hebahkan dengan cara ini kerana pada akhir-akhir ini tidak banyak lagi kenyataan saya yang disiarkan, sama ada oleh media massa elektronik atau cetak, walaupun mereka menghantar wakil untuk menghadiri sidang akhbar saya.

Mengenai isu di atas, saya telah menyatakan pandangan saya iaitu Kerajaan Malaysia telah gagal mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. Akibat daripada itu negara mengalami kerugian berbilion ringgit. Wang ini adalah wang rakyat.

Saya juga mahu rakyat faham sikap dan tindak-tanduk Kerajaan Singapura serta dakwaan Kerajaan Malaysia yang ia memberhentikan pembinaan jambatan itu kerana isu undang-undang dan kerana sentimen rakyat yang tidak sanggup menyerahkan ruang udara serta penjualan pasir kepada Singapura, dan ini disalahertikan secara sengaja bahawa rakyat tidak mahu jambatan. Rakyat mahu jambatan tetapi menolak syarat Singapura, kerana ia tidak berasas dan bukan hak Singapura.

Singapura sangat gemar mencetak surat-menyurat antara pemimpinnya dengan pemimpin Malaysia dengan tujuan membuktikan yang ia di pihak yang benar.

Kerajaan Malaysia sekarang percaya bahawa dengan tidak menyanggah kempen memutarbelitkan oleh Singapura, masalah yang dihadapi akan selesai dengan sendirinya. Tetapi ini angan-angan yang tidak akan jadi kenyataan.

Di dalam amalan diplomatik, surat-surat yang ditulis oleh suatu pihak dengan memetik persetujuan-persetujuan lisan yang kononnya dicapai di dalam rundingan tidak rasmi di kalangan pemimpin, adalah tidak sah.

Untuk menjadikan ianya sah, rundingan hendaklah dicatat dan dirakam dengan sempurna, disahkan dan ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua belah pihak. Kenyataan yang dibuat di dalam sidang akhbar oleh salah satu pihak tanpa pengesahan pihak satu lagi juga adalah tidak sah.

Encik Lee Kuan Yew, ketika dia menjadi Menteri Kanan Singapura, sangat gemar meminta diadakan pertemuan empat mata tanpa agenda yang sempurna dan kemudian merakamkan hasil pertemuan itu di dalam suratnya sendiri kepada pihak ketiga. ( Sila lihat Apendiks 1 )

Berdasarkan surat-surat itu juga, dia harap rakan sejawatnya akan menyetujui kandungannya dan oleh yang demikian terikat dengan kandungan surat-surat itu. Dia tidak mengambil kira jika catatannya tidak dianggap tepat dan tidak disahkan.

Saya menganggap apa-apa pun yang tidak menepati amalan diplomatik sebagai tidak sah. Tanggapan beliau adalah tanggapan beliau sahaja, tidak Iebih dan tidak kurang. Tindakannya mencetak surat-suratnya sebagai bukti bahawa saya telah bersetuju tidak bermakna sama sekali. Hanya jika saya membalas surat itu dan mengesahkan perkara-perkara tertentu, barulah perkara-perkara berkenaan boleh dianggap benar. Tetapi sama ada ia sah dan kita terikat dengannya, bergantung pada pengesahan dan persetujuan kedua-dua belah pihak, secara rasmi.

Berdolak-dalik mengenai apa yang disebut "pakej" dan ketidakmampuan mencapai sebarang persetujuan adalah kerana kelulusan yang berasaskan "pakej" tidak praktikal. Jika persetujuan tidak boleh dicapai mengenai mana-mana satu perkara maka persetujuan tidak boleh dicapai bagi semua perkara dalam pakej itu.

Atas sebab inilah yang saya mencadangkan dan Encik Goh Chok Tong bersetuju iaitu kita menyelesaikan perkara demi perkara secara berasingan. Ini siperakukan dan diterima oleh Encik Goh Chok Tong selaku Perdana Menteri melalui surat bertarikh Oktober 14 2002 (sila lihat Apendiks 2) yang antara lain menyebut;

"Pada penghujung pertemuan (di Hanoi) anda berkata kita perlu mencuba menyelesaikan isu air, lagi cepat lagi baik. Saya bersetuju...."

Tetapi di dalam surat yang sama, Encik Goh Chok Tong berkata;

"Oleh yang demikian, saya tidak menjangka menerima surat anda bertarikh 7hb Oktober pada l0hb Oktober di mana anda menyatakan "Malaysia telah memutuskan untuk tidak meneruskan pendekatan pakej……"


Setelah menolak pendekatan pakej, saya membuat jangkaan yang isu pembinaan jambatan tidak akan dikaitkan dengan sebarang isu lain. Saya menaruh harapan yang sangat tinggi apabila isu pembinaan jambatan disebutkan di dalam surat-surat Menteri Kanan Lee Kuan Yew dan Perdana Menteri Goh Chok Tong.

Dalam sepucuk surat (sila rujuk Apendiks I perenggan 6) kepada Tun Daim Zainuddin, Lee berkata;

"Mengenai cadangan Mahathir membina Jambatan Tambak, Perdana Menteri saya (Goh) bersetuju dengannya tetapi mencadangkan agar kita tidak merobohkan Tambak Johor."

Nampaknya rakyat Singapura lebih menyetujui jika kedua-dua jambatan baru dan Tambak Johor ada. Ini tentulah tidak masuk akal kerana cadangan pembinaan jambatan baru adalah bertujuan membuka laluan di antara kedua-dua belah di Selat Tebrau supaya air boleh mengalir tanpa sekatan. Ia bukan bertujuan menambah kapasiti hubungan antara Singapura dan Johor. Jika ini berlaku, ia hanyalah satu kebetulan.

Satu lagi hujah menarik Encik Lee ialah (sekiranya Singapura bersetuju dengan pembinaan jambatan itu);

"Singapura akan menambak laut di sebelah wilayahnya hingga ke sempadan dengan Malaysia." (rujuk Apendiks 3, surat Menteri Kanan Lee kepada Dr Mahathir bertarikh Sept 8, 2001)

Sempadan antara Singapura dan Malaysia di Selat Tebrau adalah dasar laut yang paling dalam. Bagaimanapun, bagi Tambak Johor sempadannya adalah di tengah-tengah jambatan. Jika Singapura menambak laut di sebelah wilayahnya sehingga ke sempadan, ia bererti hanya laut di sebelah Malaysia akan kekal. Jadi apa halnya dengan konsep sempadan berasaskan dasar laut paling dalam? Dalam surat yang sama kepada Daim (rujuk Apendiks I perenggan 12) , Menteri Kanan Lee berkata;

"Saya sentiasa memaklumkan inisiatif saya kepada Perdana Menteri saya. Dia (Perdana Menteri Goh) bagaimanapun, berkata dia menyerahkan hal ini kepada saya sehingga peringkat akhir apabila dia akan mengkajinya dengan teliti sebelum memberi sebarang persetujuan."

Menteri Kanan Lee juga menulis ( Apendiks 1, perenggan 12) ; "semua nota atau surat yang saya hantar kepada anda dan kepada Mahathir dan sebaliknya perlulah dianggap sebagai Tanpa Prejudis (Without Prejudice) iaitu tidak akan ada sebarang perjanjian sehingga semua perkara dipersetujui dan ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua Perdana Menteri."

Jelas bahawa Menteri Kanan Lee tidak diberi kuasa untuk memutuskan apa-apa kerana beliau perlu memaklumkannya kepada Perdana Menteri Goh untuk dikaji sebelum dipersetujui. Jika tidak, maka tidak akan ada sebarang persetujuan mengenai semua perkara sehinggalah diperakui dan ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua Perdana Menteri.

Dalam jawapan kepada cadangan saya agar terminal Keretapi Tanah Melayu dibina di Johor Baru, Menteri Kanan Lee, melalui surat bertarikh 10 Disember 2001 (sila rujuk Apendiks 4 , perenggan 10), berkata;

"Saya harap anda juga akan menimbangkan kepentingan jangka panjang dan nilai perkhidmatan KTM. Sejak tahun 1923 kereta api merupakan perhubungan yang sangat berharga …….. Saya rasa mengekalkan hubungan kereta api antara Kuala Lumpur dan Singapura menguntungkan kedua-dua buah Negara……... Bagaimanapun, oleh sebab KTM milik negara anda, Singapura akan mematuhi keputusan anda".

Dalam surat ini, Menteri Kanan Lee berikrar mematuhi keputusan saya. Namun beliau boleh juga berkata Perdana Menteri Goh tidak bersetuju dan segala surat-menyurat kami adalah tanpa prejudis.

Namun begitu, apabila beliau atau Perdana Menteri Goh Chok Tong dan saya sendiri menurunkan pandangan-pandangan kami dalam bentuk tulisan, ia menggambarkan apa yang kami fikirkan. Tetapi oleh sebab ia dilakukan tanpa prejudis, kami tidak terikat dengan apa yang kami katakan.

Justeru itu, tidak timbul persoalan berdolak-dalik atau memindahkan tiang gol. Kedudukan tiang gol belum diputuskan. OIeh sebab apa yang dilakukan itu berasaskan konsep tanpa prejudis, maka ia tidak Iebih daripada cadangan sahaja.

Dalam surat bertarikh 11 April 2002 (rujuk Apendiks 5) Perdana Menteri Goh menyebut;
"Saya sekarang memutuskan untuk mengendalikan sendiri perbincangan kita mengenai pakej dua hala."
Sekarang barulah seorang yang berkuasa bercakap (bagi pihak Singapura).

Di dalam apa yang boleh dianggap sebagai komitmen mutakhir, Perdana Menteri Goh menulis (kepada saya):

1. Bridge

"Di antara sebuah jambatan baru bagi menggantikan keseluruhan Tambak, dan yang menggantikan hanya bahagian di sebelah Malaysia, saya lebih suka kepada pilihan pertama."

"Sebaik sahaja jambatan baru siap, Tambak bolehlah dirobohkan, yang mana saya gembira jika dilakukan selepas tahun 2007." "Tetapi sekiranya anda mahu menggantikan Tambak di sebelah negara anda dengan sebuah jambatan dengan serta-merta, saya akan menyetujuinya, walaupun pada pendapat saya ini tidaklah ideal."

Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh kita buat kepada kenyataan ini? Tidak pun disebut mengenai pasir dari Malaysia dan pembukaan ruang udara kepada kapal terbang tentera Singapura. Juga tidak disebutkan tentang nostalgia, hanya keutamaan supaya Tambak dirobohkan selepas tahun 2007.

Sekarang dihujahkan pula bahawa jika Malaysia sentuh paip yang membawa air ke Singapura, ia adalah tindakan perang (act of war). Adakah ini perisytiharan perang?

Peruntukan "Wayleave Agreement" dengan Singapura cukup jelas. Berikut adalah apa yang dipersetujui mengenai paip air;

"That the Licensee (Singapore) shall take full responsibility financially or otherwise for any alteration to the pipeline that may become necessary by reason of any alterations or improvements made or to be made on the Johor Causeway and on receiving not less than six months previous notice in writing from the Licensors (Malaysia) shall thereupon carry out the alteration in accordance with such notice and shall have no claim for any compensation."

["Bahawa Pemegang Lesen (Singapura) akan mengambil sepenuh tanggungjawab kewangan atau sebaliknya bagi sebarang pindaan kepada saluran paip apabila ia diperlukan untuk sebarang pengubahsuaian atau pembaikan atau yang diperlukan di Tambak sebelah negeri Johor dan apabila menerima notis bertulis enam bulan sebelumnya daripada Pelesen (Malaysia) akan melakukan pengubahsuaian itu seperti yang disebutkan di dalam notis tanpa sebarang tuntutan ganti rugi."]

Perjanjian itu tidak menyebut mengenai hak Pemegang Lesen (Singapura) mengingkarinya. Peruntukan "akan melaksanakan pengubahsuaian" (Shall carry out the alteration) sangat jelas dan kuat. Singapura wajib melaksanakan pengubahsuaian itu. Tetapi jika Singapura ingkar, ia mungkin merupakan tindakan perang dan bukan sebaliknya.

Apabila kerja awal pembinaan jambatan dimulakan tidak ada protes dan tidak ada permintaan membeli pasir atau menggunakan ruang udara kita. Sekarang pembinaan jambatan di sebelah wilayah kita pun nampaknya tertakluk kepada syarat kita membekalkan berjuta meter padu pasir kepada Singapura untuk menambak laut dan membuka ruang udara kita kepada jet tentera udaranya. Daripada mana datang semua syarat ini? Apakah kaitan antara perluasan wilayah Singapura dengan kita membina jambatan di dalam wilayah kita sendiri?

Tindak-tanduk Singapura mengaitkan pembinaan jambatan di wilayah kita dengan tuntutan kita menjual pasir dan membuka ruang udara kepadanya tidak berasas sama sekali.

Mengapa Kerajaan Malaysia perlu bersetuju memberi pasir dan membuka ruang udara kepada Singapura, jika tidak terpaksa memberhentikan pembinaan jambatan bengkok di wilayah kita sendiri adalah di luar kemampuan saya memahaminya.

Adalah hak rakyat Malaysia tidak menjual pasir kepada Singapura atau membuka ruang udara kepadanya. Tetapi rakyat tidak pernah mengatakan yang mereka bersedia mengorbankan projek jambatan. Yang mereka tidak mahu adalah mengalah kepada tuntutan Singapura supaya kita menjual pasir dan membuka ruang udara. Mereka mahukan jambatan tetapi mereka juga mahu Kerajaan mereka menyanggah tuntutan Singapura kerana di segi undang-undang Malaysia tidak perlu melayan syarat-syarat Singapura.

Tindak-tanduk Singapura ini telah dijangkakan. Tetapi Kerajaan Malaysia gagal mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. Di samping itu, ia telah menyebabkan kerugian berbilion ringgit wang rakyat jelata.

Biarlah rakyat Malaysia, khasnya orang Melayu, Melayu Johor terutamanya, ingat bahawa lnggeris telah menipu Sultan untuk menyerahkan Singapura dengan percuma kepada mereka (Inggeris).

Seperti Pulau Pinang, Lumut dan Melaka, Singapura sepatutnya dikembalikan kepada kita apabila lnggeris melepaskan hak mereka. Tetapi Singapura telah menjadi begitu asing keadaannya sehingga ia tidak boleh lagi menjadi sebahagian daripada Malaysia.

Apakah Malaysia sekarang akan memberi lebih banyak tanah kepada Singapura supaya ia boleh memperluaskan wilayahnya dan menambah bilangan penduduknya? Menyerahkan dasar laut kita kepada Singapura tidak ada bezanya dengan memberikan bumi kita kepada Singapura. Kesudahannya ialah perluasan wilayah Singapura. Ia tidak ada bezanya dengan menyerahkan sebahagian daripada Johor untuk tujuan ini. Apakah kita begitu miskin sehingga kita perlu menjual sekeping bumi kita kepada orang lain?

Generasi rakyat Malaysia yang akan datang, sama ada Melayu atau Johor, akan menyumpah kita jika kita melakukan semua ini sedangkan kita berhak membina jambatan di atas bumi dan laut kita sendiri sebagai sebuah negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat.

Cukuplah kita menyerahkan Singapura (kepada Inggeris). Tidak perlulah kita menyerahkan lagi tanah kita kepada Singapura walaupun ada orang yang berpendapat kita hanya boleh membina jambatan di negara kita jika Singapura bersetuju.

Rakyat Malaysia tidak pernah mengatakan demikian. Janganlah ada sesiapa yang menyumbat hujah ke dalam mulut mereka semata-mata kerana orang itu takut untuk mempertahankan hak dan kedaulatan negara serta rakyat Malaysia.

Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
19hb April, 2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So I finally decided on THE one for me. The X60s :)

It took me almost two months of deliberation and on off readings and headaches until I shortlisted my candidates to two, the T60 at 2.38Kg vs the X60s at 1.57Kg. I got sidetracked for a day or two by Din the vendor guy I met at KL PC Fair to take a look at Lenovo 3000 N100 (obviously HIS dream machine :)- coz he is also the vendor for the X60s and T60). But after touching the humongous thing at 15.4" widescreen decided to run away as fast as I can from it eventhough the specs are pretty darn tempting.. coz err..I find it a bit tacky and cheap-looking and not as nicely textured compared to the ThinkPad (OK I am quite a snob when it comes to certain thing!)

After two sleepless nites and bothering a couple of folks via sms and phone :), including at the last minute managed to drag my biased-against-IBM bro Ajak to Low Yatt who just came back from wherever-he-just-came-from (I can never keep track where he fly in from any given time coz he is forever measuring some ocean somewhere in the world as a hydrogeological surveyor), decided LIGHT, THIN and BLACK is what suits lazy lazy moi.. [OK so I also like the latest Intel duo core processor, Intel Centrino duo mobile, 1.66GHz, wireless a/b/g, windows XP Pro, bluetooth, 3 USB ports, the 7-8 hours battery life esp, bla..bla..not to forget the sleek & small all leather case:)] BUT most importantly if everytime I had to lug my co notebook I felt like checking in the darn thing... it will be wise for me to get the lightest pretty little mobile to OWN and carry around with me, to have coffee with at Coffee Bean and to blog or write my impeding best-sellers on some flights and train journeys :)

The X60s LACK of optical drive/touchpad turned me off for some time (veering me towards the T60 - if Sony and other minute laptops can incorporate this feature, I don't understand why Lenovo refuses to incorporate it on the X60s!), but the sensual keypads and its lightness and battery life somehow have a stronghold on me and finally tipped the balance, esp when I read I can buy the X6 docking base which has an optical drive and whatever it is lacking - for use at home.

Even today, just before I order the X60s via phone, my supernice IT guy still trying very hard to convince me to defer for a day and to sway me to look at the fashionable Sony SZ series (in its multitude of spiffy color), which is mighty tempting.. but (trying very hard to stay focus on IBM err..)..nah.. I will go for my ThinkPad.. I am such a sucker for brand loyalty (err..eventhough darn it is now Lenovo which turned me off yet again ): ). I always end up buying Nikon for my camera.. no matter what version, SLR, digital or what is not vanity but my decisions are based on these brands being most established and durable in the long run, instead of merely spotting the latest or most fashionable trend. And so I will settle finally and peacefully with the ultraportable, ultralite and latest super ThinkPad :)

OK no one should try to change my mind now. I am getting it tomorrow :P

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Singapore Rendezvous I went to Singapore, after much cajoling [well more like "lobbying and bulldozing"] by my sister who needed an escort for her enthused meeting with Mr. Wright :) She even resorted to "have a nice day" sms to greet me when I wake up! Why do I have this feeling I might be her way of neutralizing her "guilty conscience" for having to leave her 3 kids (err.. having married at barely 18!) and a husband who is in Sudan working on some oil platform, but she got her "permission" to go galavanting in Spore even before she won the contests. I figured the husband doesn't think that she will ever win!

The trip wasn't too bad :)and we had a swell time, but we sorely missed KL hahaha

The trip to Spore was a headache to me coz I cudn't find my precious passport with all the border stampings of all the countries I was in Europe last year, including all the places most tourists don't go..some of the pages has 3 or 4 different stamps.. flight, ship, train, land vehicles on it. My sister had borrowed it for something she needed to show the bank for me to be her guarantor and sweared she had put it back in my travel bag but now it has gone missing ): So for Spore, I had to rush for an emergency passport just for the trip. I got it at top speed with the help of er "higher authority" the Monday morning of our departure date itself.

We got off with sort of a glitch, we missed our 2:20PM SQ flight :) becoz we both thot we had enuff time to make it to the airport in our own sweet time :) It was a blessing in disguised coz we were switched to the next MAS flight at 3:40PM and got to grab a late lunch at Burger King in peace and I got to book my return flight on MAS as well coz it has an 11PM flight back to KL on the 18tn.

Orchard/Scott road/the Atria area has some semblance to Bukit Bintang/ Star Hill area in KL and Champ d'Elysee in Paris..except Bukit Bintang has much more oomph! is more meriah in terms of more tourists and the stores lining it. The first thing I did the evening we arrived, after dinner was to head to Borders at the corner of our hotel :) [OK so I have a big problem with this magnet attraction to bookstores.. my sister Ida was kicking and screaming during all the few steps we had to walk to the Borders at the corner. Non-book ppl just do not understand the power of reading and imagination when one get absorbed reading a book! In my family only 3 of us are infected with this particular condition and thus, are voracious readers, my mom, my second brother -(whom was accepted to law school but decided to go into journalism, ending up being an editor instead) and myself. My mother must have read the whole Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka's library when she was carrying me and my brother coz what-do-you know we are the only two children crazy about books :)]

Dinner at Café Vienna was quite nice, we met two other contest winners, who incidently was sitting beside us at the dinner table. Ian couldn't make it the evening of the 17tn, so Slyvia the organizer cajoled me to stay another nite and leave on the 19tn but since I have an important meeting on the 19tn in our Plant in Kemaman,acquised to attend dinner on the 18tn (just to give me enuff time to ask Ian to do a segment on Terengganu and maybe my turtles on the Discovery Channel ;).. but will leave on the same nite via MAS. I timed my flight, taxi and how many minutes it took me to rush from the Hyatt Grand ballroom to the precise minute so I can took off that nite without a glitch coz I CANNOT missed my flight.

On the 18tn, we have a whole day to ourselves since dinner only started at 7PM. I didn't put my phone on roaming option since it was such a short trip, so my pda was hopeless and I cudn't get in touch with John & F while I was in Spore. My sister and I decided to check out Little India and Arab Street, as well as the Atria area. We took the subway as well as the double-decker bus. I find Little India a tourist traps as all the prices are so inflated compared to Masjid India in KL which has better stuff at such bargain prices. I end up buying some Lily-of-the-Valley incense for my mom and myself as there is not much option coz we can get everything offered there at Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman in KL. At Atria I bought fridge magnets for my sister and sister-in-law. I exchanged some money at Arab Street just for my cab to airport. My sister also don't know what to get and end up buying hundreds of minutes in phone card to talk to her children, as well as collectible toys for them.

Since the Hyatt is just across the street, we got to dinner early for the pre-dinner affair. Dinner started around 7:30PM and was pretty nice with a distinct Brit flair. All white and black theme. Ian “the Food that I Like” menu was potatoes and pea salad with a subdued Indian taste, a Thai noodle soup served in a young coconut, Fish & Chips served in a paper cone, Sirloin beef and dessert & coffee. I had a chance to chat up with Ian and took some pics as well as give my contact no when he ASKED ;) for it. He is coming to KL as part of the gourmet summit in May, along with Anthony Bourdain, Alain Ducasse, Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver. I am not sure if Discovery Travel & Living will be interested in doing a segment for my turtles and beautiful Terengganu but I just had to grab the chance to sell it to Ian (since I understand he is also one of the producer for his program)while I was at the dinner (that was the only reason I agreed to escort Ida to meet Ian anyway :)

I had to skip beef and desssert & coffee to catch my 11PM flight. So as soon as it hits 9:30PM said my goodbye to Ian and was out of there, with the concierge having a taxi waiting already. I had a nice conversation during the half hour time it took me to the Changi airport with my taxi driver who BTW has of all sirnames SCULLY (reminds me of the X-files!). We chat about the landslide disaster in Java and the relief efforts for both Tsunamis and Java by Msian and Sporean communities. Mr Good-Looking Scully in the meantime managed to insert in the conversation he is still single :) and I managed to part some advice for him to find a nice Indonesian lady to marry since he was complaining most Sporean ladies are into material things. It seems like dejavu coz when I first came back to Malaysia, a Chinese taxi driver told me the same thing..that it was difficult for him to get married on his income coz for a Chinese wedding he must have at least RM100K for the reception alone. A Chinese fren once confided in me that his wife demanded 2 oversea holidays per year or it'll be ground for divorce! So perhaps there's some truth to this.

I arrived home close to 2AM and at 6AM had to head off for Terengganu with a long day ahead and non-stop agenda until dinner when I can finally checked in at Awana Kijal for a much needed rest. I maintained 190KM/hr speed all the way with the rental car to the Plant to make it in time. When I arrived at the Plant, the audit has started and there was no breather whatsoever until I checked into Awana at 8PM.

It was a most tiring week indeed! I need to find pockets of time to catch on my sleep soon is not such a good idea to always be on a prolonged energizer-bunny mode! It is nice that Awana has become my second home and its staff took good care of me. I had a good nite sleep on its nice fluffy bed (Royal Plaza's mattress not as fluffy complained my dear sister..)with the wonderful view of the South China Sea before I head off again..yet again.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Dinner with Ian Wright

I have never entered a newspaper competition and in March 2006 I did. It was Regis my French teacher from Alliance Francaise who urged us to enter the NSTP/French Embassy competition becoz the first prices are 2 tickets to Paris and 2nd price are tickets to Mauritius. I was looking forward to those tickets to Paris for my Fall sojourn to Europe.

Unfortunately today I found out that someone else won the tickets to Paris ):

Luckily, to soften the blow.. last Friday my younger sister called excitedly to invite me to join her win for Dinner with Ian Wright in Singapore. Obviously she entered the Travel & Discovery Channel competition and won two tickets to include return flights to Singapore, Hotel and Dinner with Ian Wright. Oh well.. I have that to look for eventhough..err. I was not so keen on going to Singapore :) [hehehe John .. I am wearing my flame suit :P] So I guess Singapore here we come next week. I guess I have to take 2 days of leave now...

Friday, April 07, 2006

A stirling personality

There are very few individuals I admire in life, and I tend to admire someone becoz of their intrinsic characteristics.

My favorite personality is of course Tun Dr. Mahathir for the person he is, extremely sharp and a true leader for the Muslims and the Malays. It is very rare indeed to find someone like Dr Mahathir in a few millenia whom has single-handedly bring respect to muslims in Malaysia and around the world, as well be a leader to look up to.

Another person is Prof Diraja Engku Aziz who has done a lot of goods for the Malay economics. Engku Aziz charted many smart programs such as Tabung Haji to provide means to do Hajj while saving Malay lands from being sold for such purpose. Two individuals whom both have passed away was Allahyarham Pak Sako, a prominent writer and historian, and Datuk Mubin Shepard (an Irishman who devoted his life in documenting and appreciating the Malay culture).

An important figure who has impressed me in the last few years is Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, a most humble businessman who is doing good things balancing Islam and business.

I'd like to share the beautiful character of Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary that I admire. I remembered when helping out with the Tsunami orphans, he dropped by in his black Perdana late at nite to discuss with TSS how he can help with the orphans. I admire the fact that he didn't sent his henchmen but came by himself to see things thru.

Bank Muamalat, one of the Islamic banks is finally in the black after his takeover.

I hope there are more Malays and Muslims like him to emulate and bring respect to the ummah.